PhD Student
B.A. (Research) English with a minor in Sociology, Shiv Nadar University
Apurva Prasad is a dual PhD candidate in Comparative Literature and South Asia Studies. Her research interests include women’s writing, authorship studies, adaptation studies, literary traditions of northern India in the 20th-21st century and the intersections of law and literature.
She has completed a 4-year B.A. (Research) degree from Shiv Nadar University, where she was fully funded for the program based on academic merit. She graduated with the highest distinction and was the silver medallist of the 2022 cohort. Her undergraduate thesis studied how Indian women authors asserted their literary selfhood and defended their intellectual property in court.
Drawing on these research interests, she hopes to study how literature and law intersect to produce specific idioms of gender, authorship and literary legitimacy.
Comparative Literature & South Asia Studies (Joint PhD)