PhD Student
- M.Phil Theatre & Performance Studies - JNU Delhi
- M.A. Performance Studies - Ambedkar University Delhi
- B.Sc Computer Science - Goa University
I work on the histories of Portuguese colonialism in South Asia from the 18th-20th century. I am specifically working on the histories of colonial institutions in Portuguese Goa and how they ordered quotidian life. Outside my immediate area of research, I am also interested in Marathi public sphere and the histories of Modern theatre practice in India. My previous research was centered around histories of theatre practice in twentieth century Goa.
Research Interests
Modern South Asia, Portuguese Empire, Caste, Theatre and Performance Studies, Comparative Literature.
English, Marathi, Konkani, Hindi, Portuguese
Selected Publications
- Naik, Kaustubh. "Globalization of Goa in the Light of Fr. Thomas Stephens' Christa Purana." InterDISCIPLINARY Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies 7 (2018): 373-375. (Book Review)
- Naik, Kaustubh. “What The Goud Saraswat Brahmin Anger Against Vishnu Wagh’s “Sudirsukta” Reveals About Caste And Culture In Goa.” Vantage, The Caravan - A Journal of Politics and Culture, 4 Oct. 2017, www.caravanmagazine.in/vantage/sudirsukta-goud-saraswat-brahmin-vishnu-wagh-caste-culture-goa.