The College: The final semester of any four-semester beginning-intermediate sequence may be used to fulfill the College’s language requirement. Courses in South Asian languages that fulfill this requirement have 0400 and higher course numbers. Please note that a student must demonstrate a B+ level in order to gain admission to the next course in the sequence.
Both HIND 1500 (Advanced Hindi) and URDU 1500 (Advanced Urdu) fulfill the College’s Cross-Cultural Analysis requirement.
Wharton: The second semester of any beginning-level two semester sequence may be used to fulfill the Wharton language requirement. Language courses that fulfill this requirement have 0200 and higher course numbers.
Intermediate and advanced language courses may be used to fulfill Wharton’s Cross-Cultural Perspectives requirement.
Language courses may be used to fulfill the Humanities Breadth Requirement for Engineering.
Language courses may be counted towards SAST majors and minors.
(This information was last updated in April, 2022. Please visit the relevant departments’ websites to confirm all non-South-Asia-related information and see additional policies.)