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Deven M. Patel

Associate Professor

Williams Hall 814


Ph.D. University of California at Berkeley
B.A. Columbia University

Research Interests

Sanskrit language and literature (belles-lettres, epics, and drama); grammar and linguistics; Indian philosophy and intellectual history; Pali, Prakrit, Hindi and Gujarati language and literature; translation theory.

Selected Publications

Text to Tradition: The Naiṣadhīyacarita and Literary Community in South Asia.  Columbia University Press, 2014.
Interview with Critical Margins:
Āndhraśabdacintāmaṇi: A Grammar of Telugu Language in Sanskrit [co-authored with R.V.S. Sundaram], Central Institute of Indian Languages, 2016. 
Kavirājamārgam: The Way of the King of Poets  [co-authored with R.V.S. Sundaram], Jawarharlal Nehru University (Kannada Language Chair) and Manohar Publishers, 2017.  

Courses Taught

COML 7215   Medieval Poetics: Europe and India (co-taught with Rita Copeland)
SAST 004      India's Literature: Love, War, Wisdom and Humor
SAST 006      Hindu Mythology
SAST 150      Introduction To Indian Philosophy
SAST 324      Sanskrit Literature and Poetry
SAST 334      A Survey of Sanskrit, Pakrit,& Classical Tamil Literature in Translation
SAST 631      Sanskrit Epics
SAST 713      Literary Theory, Aesthetics, and Comparative Literature in South Asia
SKRT 460      Sanskrit: 1st Year
SAST 480      Readings in Sanskrit Literature 


American Oriental Society, Association for Asian Studies, International Association of Sanskrit Studies, American Institute of Indian Studies, Scindia Oriental Research Institute, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
