Holden Furber Undergraduate Writing Prize
This is awarded annually for the best undergraduate essay on any topic related to South Asia. The award will be for $300 and competition is open to all students of the University of Pennsylvania. There is no set number of pages or format for submissions. Writings may be prose, poetry, research, or scientific papers as long as the subject involves South Asia. Papers should be submitted by April 1, 2024 by pdf via email to Courtney Brennan at cbrenna@sas.upenn.edu
SAST Summer Research Grant
The Department of South Asia Studies invites applications for the South Asia Undergraduate Research Grants has a deadline of March 15th by 12 noon. The South Asia Studies department will award up to two research/travel grants (maximum of $3500 each) for Spring-Summer to support undergraduate research projects involving travel to South Asia.
Applicants should submit:
- A statement of 500 words or less indicating the nature of their project and how it fits into their academic program at Penn (preference towards South Asia Majors/Minors)
- An unofficial Penn transcript
- A budget and funding request
- A brief statement from a faculty member who would be guiding the research (this may be addressed to "SAST Awards Committee")
- A list of other applications being submitted to support this research. (Applications for other grants will be viewed favorably in the review process.)
The competition is restricted to undergraduate students in their first, second, or third year of study; applications from seniors graduating in May will not be considered.
Please provide COMPLETE applications to: Courtney Brennan at cbrenna@sas.upenn.edu 820 Williams Hall (you may drop off paper applications or send in pdf form via email)
The deadline for COMPLETE applications is March 15th by 12 noon.
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships offered by the South Asia Center
- Undergraduates who are US citizens or permanent residents AND who have declared a major by the application deadline and who will study a FLAS language at the intermediate or advanced level during the fellowship year.
- Graduate students who are US citizens or permanent residents AND who are enrolled (or accepted for enrollment) in a full-time program that combines modern foreign language training with international or area studies or with the international aspects of professional or other fields of study.
Submit your transcript, resume, 2 letters of recommendation, and a 1-page statement. Visit www.sas.upenn.edu/flas for full details on how to apply.
A range of South Asian languages are available:
- Summer FLAS Fellows will receive $5,000 toward tuition and a $3,500 stipend
- Undergraduate academic year fellows will receive $10,000 toward tuition and a $5,000 stipend
- Graduate academic year FLAS Fellows will receive $18,000 toward tuition and a $20,000 stipend
• Penn's Office of International Programs and Penn Abroad
• Penn's Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships
• Undergraduate Research Opportunities at Penn