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Major and Minor Requirements

Prospective majors and minors should seek the advice of the Undergraduate Chair by the second semester of their sophomore year.


Major Requirements

We have revised our Majors requirements, which means that it’s more straight-forward to achieve these. 

A Minimum of 12 c.u.* are required

1. Language - 2 c.u

A South Asian language with a grade of B or higher. Students may be exempted from this requirement by passing a language proficiency test administered by the department. Students who pass the proficiency test are required to fulfill the necessary credits with a distribution of other courses. While only 2 CUs in a South Asian language are required, 4 CUs in a language are encouraged.

2. Foundational Courses - 2 c.u.

SAST 0001-0009 or Freshman Seminars

3.  Major courses  - 8 c.u.

Courses from SAST disciplinary areas including courses cross-listed between SAST and other departments. Two c.u.s of a second language may be accepted. At least one course at the 300 level and above is recommended. 

4. One-page rationale about your concentration

During the senior year, the student will have a half-hour meeting with faculty and submit a one-page rationale for the major concentration.

  *All courses must be taken for a letter grade.



Minor Requirements 

 A minimum of 6 c.u. are required 


     SAST 0001-0009 or Freshman Seminars 

2.  ELECTIVES - 4 c.u. 

    Courses dealing with South Asia, which may include content courses, courses in a South Asian language, or a combination of language and content courses 


 *All courses must be taken for a letter grade. 



Prospective double-majors should consult the relevant concentration advisor for help in arranging their program and for coordinating the two majors. 

In total, four course units may be double-counted towards the SAST major and another major.  The total number of units for the SAST Major remains twelve.  


Transfer Credit

For the Major, up to four courses maybe transferred from other institutions, including study abroad.  For the Minor, up to two courses maybe transferred from other institutions, including study abroad. 


Independent Study Policy and Procedures


If you want to learn more about the program and department, you can contact:

the Undergraduate Chair, Professor Daud Ali, email address

or visit the department:  820 Williams Hall, 255 S. 36th Street, PA 19104